Onward and Upward
Was just sitting here thinking about the past week or so and have come to the conclusion life has just thrown me a sucker ball, at which I swung with abandon, and struck out. Not gonna get me down. Life goes on and gullibility will be less rampant.
Went to a recruiting drive this morning - didn't do much but got a chance to watch some new members, who were sworn in on the 21st, get pinned. Two of our members had their motor home and a nice screened-in tent wherein we ate a wonderful breakfast of bacon, sausage, home-made biscuits, gravy, sliced tomatoes, and gravy. I didn't eat all that stuff, but ate enough to know home cooking can really hit the spot.
Don't know what the exact temperature was out there, but can only say after arriving home, had to literally peel my clothes off me from sweating like a pirate all morning. It was good fellowship, though, and laughed like a fool at some of the antics. They are a great bunch of folks.
This recruiting drive, which continues through the 4th of July, is to get new members into the Alabama State Defense Force - an all volunteer group of people from the age of 17 to 70 who back up the National Guard if they get called up and to assist our community in time of disasters such as tornadoes, fires, accidents, floods, etc. Check out www.103bnalsdf.net to look at our Batallion site - information there will tell you something about us and what kind of activities we pursue.
All is well with this old gal, I've concluded. Live and learn - nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? Right!