Wednesday, September 07, 2005

All is well in Micky Finn's world!

This old gal has been whining for long enough. Just because I've had a tough time of it, doesn't mean it won't get better for me. Kinda sorta tired to being on the short end of the stick all the time and now I'm fighting back!

To begin with, a goofy-looking type of individual knocked on my door earlier today. At first I thought it might be a Mormon with "stuff" to give me to help me on my trip to Heaven or a Jesuit to tell me there's no way I'm gonna make that trip to Heaven! Imagine my surprise when I heard "I'm here to tell you there is a HUGE problem with your checking account." My Son of a Blogitch antennae immediately sprouted forth and I was ready for him full bore!

I asked him to wait while I put some shoes on - what I was doing was getting my cell phone and calling the Sheriff's office while putting some shoes on my erstwhile bare feet. Stepped out on the porch, closed and latched the gate, and asked the previously cited goofy-looking guy for some identification. You see, he'd already called me by my correct name (even managed to pronounce my last name correctly). After a few seconds passed and he made no effort to profer ANY identification (much less a name), I opened the front door of the house and let Miss Freckles onto the porch!

Miss Freckles managed very nicely, thank you, to prevent goofy-looking guy from moving any further than a half step before grabbing his leg and holding on tightly! And, the lead pipe I was more than willing to swing at him if he made any further attempt to move also helped convince him to remain still.

The deputies arrived (2 cars full of them) - a third car also pulled into the driveway wherein there were two other goofy-looking guys ensconced in the back seat! Seems they were involved in some kind of scam whereby they were getting information AND money from elderly folks using scare tactics about their checking accounts being over-drawn. Now, I may be one of those folks that look mighty dumb, but my busghetti hasn't completely slud off my plate yet!

Goofy-looking guy was escorted to jail, along with his cohorts, and I've gotta go to town tomorrow to sign an affadavit against him. Hooray for Miss Freckles and her ability to protect me against all invaders of HER domain, and hooray for me for having built-in Son of a Blogitch antennae!

Held a digitizing class with three ladies after the excitement of the morning. I'm attempting to teach these particular three ladies - average age 69 3/4 - how to create and digitize embroidery designs. One of them is a former teacher - she knows everything about everything. Another I've nicknamed Fast Fanny - because she tries to do things without instruction ahead of everyone else and screws up badly! The third of the group is a complainer - "I can't get this and probably will never be able to do it" have come out of her mouth more times than I care to mention! I'm an excellent instructor and give directions clearly, slowly, and in appropriate order!

A class which should have lasted one hour stretched out into nearly four! Not because these ladies are stupid or mentally incapacitated in any way - and not because my instructions were too complicated for them to grasp - merely because they decided (even though they were paying for these classes) it was more important to gossip and spout their jealousies!

I've never understood the reason for anyone to be jealous of anyone else, either for what they may have, how much they make, what they wear, to whom they are married, what they've achieved, and what they look like - or for whatever reason! Needless to say, I couldn't contain myself any longer and I spouted off by letting them know my time is valuable and my class is supposed to be to teach not to be bombarded with tales of woe and jealousy, while sitting at one of the three's dining room table, mind you. How much brass did that take? '-)

When I finished my tirade, you could have heard a feather land like a ton of steel in that house and the looks of total amazement on their faces was absolutely priceless. Nothing more was said, the class continued, and they finally started to LEARN something. Their 3rd and final class was scheduled for two weeks from today, and they thanked me for setting them straight! Thanked me! As I drove off, I thought I would probably have to apologize to the three of them for losing my cool. However, upon arriving home, I found two messages on my answering machine apologizing to me and one e-mail doing the same!

Now, who could ask for a better day than the one I've had so far!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Another sleepless night

It's nearly one o'clock in the morning and a long time until daylight makes an appearance. I slept for a little while, but something caused me to wake up crying. I found myself turning on every light in the house, which hasn't helped ease this oppressive and overpowering feeling of... what exactly, I can't seem to reason through.

Before falling asleep earlier, I shed a few tears of joy and thankfulness because someone, whom I barely know, played Good Samaritan today and cleaned up all the tree limbs from my yard. It was a wonderful surprise, upon taking Miss Freckles outside, to find my yard all cleaned up - especially since I'd been home all day and neither Miss Freckles nor I heard the slightest sound. This kindness surely hasn't caused me to awaken in such a state, I wouldn't think. And, I haven't eaten anything unusual which would have resulted in my having a frightening dream. Further, if I dreamed anything, I don't recall it!

Yet, since awakening I've been unable to stop sobbing.

Many times this has happened to me. When I speak of it, I hear "If you had a clear conscience you would be able to sleep," or "Maybe you're depressed and need medication," or "Take a sleeping pill before going to bed every night," or "Find yourself a good man," or some such inane advice which is supposed to make me feel better.

Maybe all that's wrong is I need a good cry?

However, I cry at when I see movies or hear stories or read reports about happy endings, sad endings, tales about animals, kids, love stories, successes, failures - you name it, I cry. Cruelty of one human to another will make me cry in utter despair.

If someone says something kind to me or does something nice for me, I cry. Yet, if someone says something hurtful or does something mean to me, I can feel my backbone tightening in an effort to strengthen my resolve to not show any emotion, much less cry.

Wish I could fathom the depths of my mind to ascertain why I have nights like this one. Wish I had someone to talk to when I awaken in this state of mind. Maybe I just hit on the cause - there's nobody here! There hasn't been anybody here for seven years - get used to it!

Good Weekend! How was yours?

This past weekend was a wonderful one for me. Although I cannot contribute much physically to the activities for our group, I was at least able to attend a recruiting drive/security commitment at a local park on Saturday and Sunday.

I have 10 completed Qual Forms and promises from 3 others to join up at our next meeting. Best part of it all, I recruited 8 of the 10 who filled out the required forms! Although all I could do is sit most of the time, it surely didn't prevent me from talking!
If half of those who stated they would be at our meeting on 15 September, I will consider the recruiting drive a success.

Being out and about with people who show concern for my well-being and make every effort to look out for me while with them was excellent therapy for me. I cannot begin to explain to anyone how frustrating it is to NOT be able to do anything other than present myself as a warm body at functions. Yeah sure, I do lots of paper work at home, but any one can do that job - I'm not so stupid as to think I can't be readily replaced in my position as company clerk!

The food one of our members cooked for everyone - all I can say about it is WOW! A collection basket was maintained for everyone to contribute toward the cost of the food, but no amount can accurately pay for the morale boost a good home-cooked meal offers.

The majority of our group of volunteers was terribly disappointed to not have been activated to help with the on-going need as a result of hurricane Katrina. Assisting FEMA, EMA, Red Cross, and other like organizations during emergencies and disasters is our primary mission, even while the emergency or disaster is occurring. Though we aren't permitted to leave the boundaries of Alabama, those on the gulf coast of our state need all the help they can get. Our recruiting drive was considered to be low on the totem pole of importance. Those who were chomping at the bit to help out over the long weekend seemingly were ignored. However, there are about 15 from our Battalion who were deployed for a week and will be in the Mobile area for another four or five days.

My main reason for writing a blog today is - although I digressed a little bit - to attempt to put into words how good it felt to contribute SOMETHING over the weekend. And, I've found there just is no way to appropiately do so. If my doctor knew I'd been at the park for nine hours each day on Saturday and Sunday, there wouldn't be much left of my hind end after he got through chewing me out! Well, what he doesn't know won't hurt me - and I was exceptionally careful in what I did and how I did it. My Momma didn't raise any fools - of course, she didn't have any kids what lived, neither!