Sunday, June 26, 2005

Stupidity ruled for a short time!

While watching 48 Hours/Mystery last night, I was over-taken by the kindness and compassion shown by the creator/owner of! Although the show kept my attention riveted for a full hour, back in the darkest, deepest regions of the unconscious portion of my usually alert brain was the idea I should "check out"

Once the show was finished, I found myself rushing to my computer to log onto the Internet and check out this marvelous site. Wouldn't you think that a mentally above-average and normally very cyncial old fart such as myself would have known better? I would think so, too - but of course, hind sight is 20-20!

Yepper, my cynicism was proven out. Oh, there's a "free" 7-day trial period, but only 3 days worth of e-mailing permission. But, I learned about the 3 days worth of e-mailing AFTER i joined up - but I WAS smart enough to NOT complete the extensive personal information survey required for one to find that "perfect match."

Today, sanity has prevailed and I've cancelled my membersip EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. Didn't I receive an e-mail explaining that because traffic is so heavy it might "take a while" for someone to get back to me! Oh me, sometimes I can do the stupidest things and wonder afterwards what ever possessed me.


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