Senior Moments? Hmm, I wonder!
I was once told that my memory would be the first thing to leave me - do "Senior Moments" fall into the category of my memory leaving me?
It's been so long since I've blogged I couldn't remember my user name, for Pete sakes! Can't find my manicure set - either I've hidden it from myself so well that I purely can't find it or I just do not remember where I put it! Poured myself a cup of coffee earlier, went to answer the phone, and forgot all about my cup of coffee! Found it two hours later - yucky cold and totally undesirable!
Decided to clean out the refrigerator because I finally found the bowl for which I'd been looking for two weeks! Didn't think I'd broken it and forgot about it - didn't remember I'd stored something inside that bowl, covered it with aluminum foil, and there was some strange concoction of a horrible nature therein contained which more than slightly alarmed me! Of course, I'd opened the fridge innumerable times and didn't notice that bowl before today!
Thank goodness I have a nice little slider "thingy" on my dishwasher that lets me know whether the dishes inside are clean or dirty - depending on whether or not I remember to slide the durned thing in the right direction at the time of placing dirty dishes inside or turning on the infernal machine.
More often than not I suffer from the "hereafter" disease. You know, when you go into another room for something and end up saying out loud "What did I come in here after?" Think this disease must be highly contagious and communicable to animals because poor Miss Freckles has forgotten to peform for her morning biscuit a couple of times recently. That has set me back on my heels, because she can really be a pushy little thing, especially when I'm busy doing things I don't remember doing later!
Now, in my own defense, I haven't forgotten important stuff like: get the trash out on Sunday evening for the early Monday morning pickup, keep an eye on supply of dog food so it can be readily replenished, keep a good supply of toilet tissue on hand, make sure I don't run out of milk and bread, show up for ASDF drill/meetings on the correct Tuesday night, remaining mindful of Tuesdays and Thursdays as my work days, and the fact that I've got a new great-grandson named Andrew James.
Looked at the carpet - closely - this morning and said to myself - "Self, didn't you vacuum yesteday?" No - it was about five or six yesterdays ago and Miss Freckles is shedding like mad. So, that's why the vacuum didn't get put away? Could have sworn I had a little bit of potato salad left in the fridge from the other day! Nope, I musta ate it already as the dirty Tupperware container was located in in the dishwasher, still dirty. Hope I enjoyed it!
I'd like to think that I'm not in danger because of these lapses of memory. Shades of Alzheimer's disease? Oh mercy me, I certainly hope not. I can only surmise that I need do memory exercises to more easily remember stuff. Only thing is, would I remember to do the exercises?
Micky Finn is bumfuzzled!