Saturday, February 25, 2006

Yucky day!

Another drab, dull, dreary, dismal, and drizzly day. Great grimy gobs of greasy, gritty, gummy, goofy gopher guts, will it never stop raining? Had to wear my water wings to the mail box this afternoon, for Pete sakes!

Been up to my armpits in paper work for the ASDF most of this week. Don't let anyone kid you that the technological age of computers has cut down on the amount of paper used by us "paper pushers!" Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, has to have a hard copy of EVERYTHING these days. Everything I've done for this volunteer organization is saved on my computer, supposedly to facilitate putting it all onto CD's sometime in the far off future for use by whomever for whatever reason! Yeah, okay! Meanwhile, thanks to having a ream of paper donated for my use, I didn't have to buy any paper this week. Won't even begin to mention how many ink cartridges I've used. Phew, it's expensive being a volunteer! :::giggle:::

I have to attend the "School of the Soldier" next month - a four-day course. Have to drive nearly 70 miles - one way - both days in order to attend, provide my own lunch, of course, buy my own gas, and keep my uniform looking decent! Now, I don't mind attending the classes, mind you. In fact, I'm kinda sorta looking forward to learning all kinds of "neat stuff." It's the expense I will have to incur doing so - because this course is "mandatory" for all of us volunteers! Okay, where does that come into the equation of serving as a volunteer?

Does it appear as if I'm complaining? Not really...well...maybe, just a little bit! Nearly everyone who participates in activities like these comes from the same area as me (there should be about 30 of us who will attend the "School of the Soldier" courses) and it somehow doesn't seem fair that we should have to drive so far when there is an armory where the classes could be held about half the distance away! Everyone, including the instructors, would have approximately the same distance to drive. Now that seems quite logical to me, but I've been told that most of the "brass" doesn't think logically! Did I just say that? Had to look over my shoulder to be sure my company commander wasn't there ready to pop me on the back of my head for insubordination! :::giggle:::

Sure, you say, I could car pool with someone. Have any of you ridden with any of these youngsters lately with whom I might have to ride? Er, ah, uhm, suffice it to say - THANK YOU, BUT NO THANKS! And, then, no telling what time I would get home after they have to stop to eat yet another meal at a restaurant - my pocketbook just couldn't stand that kind of a strain, much less my body from the long hours away from home!! Oh me, it's no fun to be old!!!

Well, I'm really on a roll, wouldn't you say? Think I will celebrate my bravado by getting myself an ice-cold glass of milk and a slice of banana nut bread (toasted and slathered with butter). That might calm me down a tad! Or not! A sugar high in the evening is not a pretty sight to see on an old gal like me! Bouncing off the walls sound familiar???

My good news is that the doctor has released me from his care with the understanding that I won't wear my military boots during extended missions for at least three months. That will work out just fine and dandy, as most of our extended missions won't begin until the end of April and the beginning of May! I am, however, going to start wearing my boots around the house for an hour or so every day to help build up the strength in my right leg and hip ("bone" doctor has given his permission to do so).

Days like today drive me nuts - well, more nuts than usual, that is. Rained too hard to go anywhere, and couldn't get outside just to "putz" around, either. Haven't talked to anyone today - even Miss Freckles has been inordinately quiet today and not as pushy as usual with her demands for "treats." I think I just need to get a life! Hmm, wonder what kind! Any suggestions? Nothing risque, now, please!

Micky Finn is gonna be quiet now!