Saturday, July 02, 2005

I'm completely out of step with the rest of the world, apparently!

Have I been living under a rock for the past 68 (nearly) years? Maybe I DID just fall down with the rain, after all! What's the deal with men over 70 talking as if they had the hormonal attitude and ability of an 18-year-old?

I'm so confused and frustrated that this posting probably will only prove I'm totally crazy. I can't seem to make any sense out of my life anymore! This fella I have gone ga ga over has ACTED so kind and gentle - a perfect gentleman. All of a sudden, all he wants to talk about is what is going to happen between us in bed! Maybe I missed signals he was sending because I'm kinda sorta on the naive side about a lot of things - even at my age that is possible, you know!

Now, any event which takes place in the bed - okay.....SEX ...... is not exactly my favorite topic of conversation. Oh, go ahead and call me whatever you want. It won't bother me a bit in the world. Anyway, this topic of converstaion is bothersome to me, especially with someone whom I've known for only a short length of time.

I mean, I never did participate in the "bra burning" phase of women's lib - what exactly is women's lib, anyway? I've never filed a "sexual harrassment" suit against anyone because I never was sexually harrassed. Hmm, must give that a LOT more thought on down the road! I didn't exactly have six (6) children by immaculate conception, you know!

The way the conversation went has sent me into a tailspin. I can hear WHY reverberating in my head! Old fashioned am I - yes! Set in my ways - yes! Not in tune with what should really go in a relationship today - totally. What do I do? What do I say? How the heck am I supposed to act?


Blogger Milt Bogs said...

Sorry to read that. I've already shelved the idea of getting a bike - that was stupid. I left a comment because I thought what you wrote was interesting and worth commenting on. It still is. What should you do? Just do what you would have done when you were 23 or whenever. You are perfectly "in tune".

5:14 PM PDT  
Blogger Irishcoda said...

I'm sorry to hear it too and I agree with what Milt Bogs said...if the gentleman is still in touch with you and brings it up I would let him know how you feel. And you are perfectly "in tune" too.

8:37 PM PDT  

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