Saturday, July 16, 2005

I hate all this clean air I'm breathing!

Now I know why I hadn't attempted to quit smoking before now. I mean, really giving it the old college try, not just paying the effort "lip service."

Oh sure, I'd never smoke in someone's smokeless home and often went nearly a full day without a drag on anything other than fresh air! That's easy compared to being here without even a butt laying around anywhere to light up just to get a taste!

My lungs are actually complaining about getting too much "clean air" these past few days. Of course, to keep my hands and mouth busy, I've been cramming whatever I could find that wasn't still alive into myself at a pace likened to that fellow who ate 40 something hotdogs in a nano second! Miss Freckles' dog biscuits are beginning to look mighty palatable - if I could get past the smell of them, they'd be fair game, too!

My naturally sunny nature and easy-going temperament has suffered from this self-inflicted trauma!!!!! I'm afraid I've forever stunted the pecan tree out in my front yard with the whuppings I've given it for 3 days in a row. Probably killed the good crop of pecans in their infancy, too! Fingernails are gone - toenails would probably be gone too if I could get my feet up here!

I've not succumbed to getting the car out of the garage and driving down the road to get a pack of cigarettes - YET! However, I was out and about yesterday - made a presentation to a sewing club about digitizing embroidery designs - and had to forcibly keep my car from turning in at my favorite smoke shop! Made it home unscathed and smoke free - but, kept the car parked in the front yard until after dark thirty last night before putting it into the garage. (I don't like to drive after dark!)

I wonder if, when I go to the doctor's office for follow-up lab work on Monday, my blood will show the lack of nicotine in my system!?! How long does one have to go without smoking for nicotine to no longer be detectable? Or, is that even an issue? I suppose I could busy myself with research about this subject. To be completely honest, I don't really give a damn Miss Scarlett! My biggest concern is whether I can make it through the rest of this evening until I know the country store down the road has closed and can't buy ANYTHING without going into town or waiting until tomorrow!

Why in the world is Miss Freckles laying down with her nose in her food bowl - protecting it from me, is she? I did notice that when I measured out her dose of Kibbles N Bits they smelled extra good tonight! Move over, Miss Freckles!


Blogger Andrew said...

I smoked a cigarette while reading this post. It was almost painful to read what you are going through.

A fellow smoker,


7:21 PM PDT  
Blogger BipolarTwo said...

Wow I just quit also. I'm going nuts. I like the comment posted here by rob. I just need to accept the craving.

9:23 PM PDT  
Blogger Arc said...

Miss Freckles protecting her Kibbles and bits from you gave me my first smile of the day!

You have far more will power than I! Hope you have much success.

Your comments concerning your childhood on my blog were sorely needed. You understand and survived. You must be a great woman. :)

2:55 AM PDT  
Blogger Wildefrost said...

AAAAHHHH I know! I quite almost 3 weeks ago. I'm DYING here. Seriously. I dream about smoking cigarettes nowadays. That is pathetic.

3:46 AM PDT  
Blogger "Ari" said...

Kick those ciggerettes asses.

Go you folks.

I'm 16 and don't smoke, muahahhaha ;D

Just kidding around, guys...

7:31 AM PDT  
Blogger Kiley said...

:-) Good luck!

I smoke, and don't really plan to try to quit (in the near future, though I know I likely should) because I enjoy it too much. As a side note, I'm a manic-depressive and have been known to have HORRIBLE mood swings at times; I wonder how fierce and horrible I would be during the "tense times" of quitting smoking? Who knows, perhaps I will find out someday.

Take care,

1:07 PM PDT  
Blogger Kiley said...

Oh by the way Rob: I love your term "smober". :-) Too cute!

1:08 PM PDT  
Blogger Irishcoda said...

I quit smoking when I was pregnant with my oldest. It was the hardest thing I've done, harder than childbirth, LOL. I had cravings for about 3 weeks and then psychological cravings for a long time after that. Drinking a lot of water helps flush the nicotine out of your body, not sure how long it takes exactly. Hang in there ... I noticed at 6 months I went through another really rough patch, not sure why, but have stayed off cigarettes for 19 years now. Now...if I could quit caffeine...

7:41 PM PDT  

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