Saturday, October 08, 2005

A break from transitions to complain!

If I hear or see one more report about Tom Cruise and his fiancee's WONDERFUL news about her being pregnant, I will barf. What is wrong with the media and the viewers/listeners who seem to hunger for erstwhile news such as this? I use the term news lightly here!

In my day (and yes, I admit to and proud of being old fashioned), getting a woman pregnant without first the sanctity of marriage was not something about which was publicly spoken, much less blatantly announced by all forms of media. I can't help but wonder what kind of example this movie star believes he is setting for the generation following behind him.

I use Tom Cruise as an example here - there are many others supposedly held in high esteem by the public who have proudly displayed infidelity, cruelty, (maybe even murder) abuse, thievery, and unwed pregnancies as a means of getting their share of free publicity.

Am I the only weird person left in this crazy world of ours who believes such is wrong? What has happened to the morals of our country that we, the people, would insist on not only hearing and seeing, but praising and congratulating, the immorality of others? Why should I even care?

I'd like to believe I'm not entirely alone with this kind of - pardon the use of the word - reporting. I'd also like to think there is something badly wrong with a person who boasts about immoral activity. Yes, yes, I know... it goes on all the time all over the world. But, do we (or more precisely, I) have to be subjected to such no matter what television channel I select or what radio station I listen to or what newspaper or magazine I read?

Mickey Finn has spouted off!


Blogger Milt Bogs said...

At least you know who Tom Cruise is. I was impressed that you didn't name his fiancee. I'd never heard of her and couldn't care less about either him or her. What annoys me most is that idiots like them take pride of place on the front pages of the "real press".
P.S. I have never applied my tongue to a toilet seat or sniffed a line of coke. The only drug I ever took was mainlined into me by an anaesthetist, seconds before an operation. Please don't believe everything you read on Milt's page. :)

5:02 PM PDT  
Blogger Patty said...

Amen, I'm with you 100%, it's no wonder so many of the young people act like they do, if they are using some of the so called celebrities as role models.

But life goes on. I can remember all the talk about some of the celebrities in my time. Elizabeth Taylor, Elvis, etc. But I think you and I turned out A-OK. Hang in there girl.

5:48 AM PDT  
Blogger Mama Mouse said...

I agree!! I remember when married couples on tv were never shown as having anything but twin beds in the bedroom .... a woman was never pregnant, let alone pg .... she was 'in the family way'. Being pregnant was a beautiful and intimate thing ... or at least it was pretty much treated that way and ONLY that way.

I am sick to DEATH of Tom Cruise and what's-her-name. I was outraged several years ago when Glen Close decided she wanted a child .... because she WANTED A CHILD .... but she didn't want a father or husband around to mess things up.

I could rant on and on myself Mickey ... but I won't ... I agree with you about a million percent!

4:35 PM PDT  

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