Saturday, October 22, 2005

I've been tagged! Woo Hoo!

This is the first time I've been tagged! Thanks Patty for tagging me!

Myself - I had to learn to like myself in order to live alone with myself.

Wisdom - Learning is the key to wisdom (for me, at least). As I grow older, the more I learn, the less I seem to know.

Regrets - The good, the bad, and the ugly throughout my life taught me regrets are nothing more than smoke blown into the wind.

Family - Although I feel as if I've been abandoned by my family, I love them dearly and pray for their continued success and happiness.

Films - Favorites continue to be Gone with the Wind, The Green Mile, The Godfather, Free Willy, and Casablanca.

Faith - Without my strong faith, I would be a very weak human being.

Blogging - Who would have thunk it? This old gal has received much joy, has cried many tears, and has learned from reading the blogs posted by new blogging buddies and unknown, but interesting, folks.

Words - Words can neither be retracted nor forgotten. Words have hurt me much worse than physical abuse. Physical scars heal, but scars left by hurtful words fester forever.

Friends - My friends are the roses in my garden of life.

Ideas - What good is there in having ideas if they are not acted upon and brought to fruition?


Blogger Patty said...


Glad you enjoyed doing the Tagging thing, that was the first time I was ever tagged also.

Glad everything seems to be going ok for you.

More later

7:21 PM PDT  
Blogger Patty said...

I just got tagged again, but this one is different, so now I am tagging you. Have fun.

All I'd like to know is, stranded on a desert island for the rest of your natural life, what would you have with you?

Where?--Anyplace tropical.

Book?--- The Bible, it has it all, happiness, mystery, love stories, murders, family problems, you name it, it's probably there.

Music?--From the late forties through early fifties.

Partner?--My husband and hopefully all our children, their spouses and our grandchildren

Essential Item?--First aid kit

Things you can't have but want?-- Good health and money.

Clothed or Nude?--Well lets face it, with a body that looks like this, clothes, please.

Once you have set yourself up. Saved or Stay?---I woud want to be saved. Too many other family members and friends I would miss.

I'm going to tag,
Widow's Walk and

1:06 PM PDT  

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