Monday, August 29, 2005


Ever had a day when you wish you hadn't? Today is one of those days - nothing is going right and the greyness of the day only adds to my misery! I don't exactly feel bad, but I don't exactly feel good, either. Energy level is below zero!

However, to overcome and revive myself, I started thinking about what makes me smile in spite of myself. Here are some of the things that not only make me smile, but sometimes laugh out loud:

The cartoon "Maxine" Just love her attitude!
Another cartoon "Marmaduke" Creator has a wonderful approach to being a big dog!
A toddler's laughter - so infectious one can't help but laugh too.
Newly-born lambs - how sweet they are.
Finding money in the pocket of my winter jacket just when I need it the most!
The wonderful smooth taste of a hunk of a dark chocolate candy bar.
Discovering a puffy white cloud that looks like somebody or something unusual.
A double rainbow against a completely black sky.
The cachink of a deer's hoof against the top of the fence as he/she jumps over it.
A kitten playing with a ball of yarn.
A youngster concentrating very hard while trying to color "inside the lines."
Making repairs that actually work - rewired my utility light and it works great!
Letting someone with only one item go ahead of me in the check-out line.
Finishing a crossword puzzle correctly with a pen instead of pencil.
Hearing my best friend on the other end of the phone line saying "Hello, you old bag." (She's the same age as me, you understand!)
Miss Freckles singing for her supper.
Walking during the first snow of the year - doesn't happen often in Alabama!
Finding items I usually buy at the grocery store ON SALE!
Teaching - doesn't matter what I'm teaching 'cuz it makes me happy.

There are bazillions more LITTLE things that bring me joy and cause me to smile. Even when we feel so low we would have to be scraped up with a putty knife, there's always something - no matter how insignificant it may seem to others - which will bring a spring to our steps, joy to our hearts, and a smile on our faces. I'm already feeling better!


Blogger Patty said...

Yes, that's what I try to do on days like you're having. I hate those kind of days. I turn on all the lights in the room I'm in, that seems to help some.

If you want to have a laugh, go to this place and turn up your speakers. Dolly Parton is belting out a PMS Blues song, and you can follow along by reading the words as she sings. I got a kick out of it. I posted it on my other blog.

Hope your day gets better as it goes along.

A friend,

1:06 PM PDT  
Blogger Mama Mouse said...

Gray skies ... gray spirit! Add laughter and sun may not shine ... but our spirits brighten up!

Very wise words!

2:33 PM PDT  

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