Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Sylvie and Al - 50 years!

Talked to a dear, old friend on the phone today. Although we've not seen each other for nearly 40 years, our conversation was a continuation of the last one we had way back then.

Not really sure which is better - old friends or new friends. The old friends know everything about me, know my faults and call them to my attention (too often to suit me :::giggle:::), and are as comfortable as well-worn slippers. New friends are spell-bound by my stories (I convince myself they are spell-bound, you see), don't know much about me and make an effort to learn ALL, they see my faults right away but are gonna wait until they know me better to call me down, and have to be broken in like a new pair of loafers!

My friend was totally amazed to learn that I am widowed and for nearly 7 years. She asked, "How do you stand it? Aren't you about bonkers by this time?" When I replied, "Sylvie, hope you've got about two days to listen to me tell you how I don't know how I stand it and that I've been worse than bonkers ever since my hubby died."

She and her husband will soon celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, and I've been invited me to be with them during this wonderous occasion. I was maid of honor at their wedding, lo those many years ago. It will be a wonderful trip for me, and to be with a dear friend like her for a few days promises to be a fun time. The sad part of the reunion will be that everyone else who was in the wedding party has died - the preacher, best man, 2 bridesmaids, 3 ushers, even the ring bearer and the flower girl. Just the 3 of us left. Have HUGE goosebumps running rampant over me as I type this.

It's scary to know - I mean REALLY KNOW - I'm a member of the "older generation." It's even scarier to realize many people I've called friend (and family) who are much younger than me have passed away. No wonder I often feel so completely alone!


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